As our team and four Thais from Beginnings who interpret for us in outreach walked into the elevator to take on this red light district, there was so much adrenaline, excitement, and joy. We were about to go and purchase women in order to give them freedom for a night and possibly for a lifetime. They were about experience a night like none other filled with games, presents, crafts, food, and the message of our Savior. It was more than any of us could contain. Smiles all around, we walk out of the hotel and go our separate ways for this mission.
Soi Cowboy face...enter in!
My team included Kristi, a wonderful and sweet teammate who came with her daughter, Nis, one of the brightest and kindest hearted women, and myself.
We first went up to this one bar that looked a little weary at first. There was alot of Thai dialogue going on, but her list of names of women that signed up to go the night before prevailed and we were able to purchase those girls as well as a few more that wanted to come. These women were filled with such joy- giggling because they were so giddy. It was such a sweet sight. My eyes will not forget. 12 Kristi was about to walk them to the hotel, 1 girl was just showing up to work. Wondering where her friends were going she asked, and then immediately asked the mamasan, the manager of the girls who does the negotiating for them, and she just nodded and laughed. 1 more was able to come! Bar one- 13 precious girls.
Next, we went down to this other bar to retrieve the one girl who had signed up the night before. As negotiating was going on, many more came out to see what was going on and before we knew it....30 girls were now signing up to go and running in to change as the mamasan approved. From 1 girl to 30! It was unreal. However, God had more plans beyond this breathtaking experience.
Seeing as we were just finishing the money that had been passed out to us and also being out of the spending money I had exchanged at the start of the trip, Nis calls another Thai from Beginnings, Jit, and asks her for another 1,ooo baht. This is about 30 American dollars. She and Martha bring the money and end up walking many of these women to the hotel as we get the money figured out. Martha leaves her money with me, and God continues to work...
Nis looks over at me and says, "5 more?" So I hand over the money, and the number just keeps growing. Girl after girl, begging to come and being let out of this bar. As long as there is money, they were let go.
Let me just say, handing over this money was one of the most interesting experiences I have had. Part of me is feeling strange for adding to the industry, but this is the only way. Another part of me feels more liberated than I have ever been before. Again, you are all part of this experience! This was money we all donated to come together and be part of something bigger than ourselves. Handing it over for LIVES! It does not come close to weighing out. It's like a stab in the heart to think of this...this is a living person...but all that is cared about is the money. You hand it over, and they hand her! They deal with being an item for purchase each and every day. Every day they are viewed this way. Do you hear the cry and the chaos of this war??
Oh, how I pray that it would resonate in each heart as it does in ours.
As the purchases keep flowing, and Nis giggle with glee each time she looks at me to ask if we can purchase more from this bar....35...38...41..47...51...I begin to run out of the money that was added to ours...I search my purse....but more want to come....53....56....57....58....
(You must know that Ann had me purchase a bunch of lotions from a store that is even more expensive here than in America. So I took 32 lotions from this store to Thailand, where Ann offered to pay me back in Thai baht. The night before, as I am almost ready for bed, she decides that she would like to receive the lotions and pay me for them...strange, but whatever fits the schedule! Little did I know that the Lord was preparing provision for the following night...)
As we are out of money, I remember that I had placed the Thai baht Ann gave me into my purse in a separate section from my spending money...I search and we have just enough with a couple dollars left over to purchase the remaining girls desiring to go. GOD IS GOOD! Is that truth so real to you? I pray so. He provides in big, small, and real ways! We do not know what is going on, but all the while, He is forming His beautiful plan just ready for it to explode in all its glory and splendor. What a mighty God! I am at a loss for words at how He works....all I can do is thank Him, praying that He knows my heart of gratitude and hears the words that I cannot seem to utter...
His plan was to bless these girls exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ask for or imagine because He is at work within us, and He is able to do more than our greatest request. Ephesians 3:20
As if this experience was not enough for my precious Jesus to do to show me how great He is and what He has in store...I had been talking with two men the entire time. I will take you to the conversation...
They first open the conversation by watching Nis write names down, and asking me if we are forming a convent. I give a smile and say "no" to appease the clever wit, and they continue to ask what is going on. I tell them of the Christmas party, and from there it all took off. Asking repeatedly that I allow them to buy me a drink so I can sit with them and they can probe some more, I politely decline and tell them I will stand where I am at to chat. They assumed I was part of a Christian organization, I affirmed; they asked where I was from, I told them; they asked why I was here, I told them. They asked what I did, what I am studying in school and what my intent was. Knowing about Counseling, one then assumes that I have a large scale plan of inviting the girls out to this party to let them enjoy a fun time and then to get intense and counsel them there. He thought it was "a brilliant plan." I assured them this was no grand scheme of mine of trickery to charm them and then make them pour out their hearts, but that we gave them a night of freedom in hopes that maybe they could see there is another option. If not, for one night they experience something they may never get the chance to again: Freedom, not being itemized, love, presents, abundant food, constant smiles, a great speaker, a party they will never forget, and a message that could change their lives forever. They admired the idea and liked that the organization raised money that did exactly what we promised it would do.
Neither one thought that the party was a bad idea- they actually loved it. When they asked what it was for, I responded, "Do you not think that they deserve it?" They said yes, that most people, especially men, treat them like trash, for a better use of words. They continued the questions, so I too began to ask them some. Where they were from: South Africa. How long they lived in Bangkok: 3 years and 15 years. One was married to a Thai, the other had a girlfriend, but both go to the bars to relax from work and "be nice to the girls by buying them drinks and talking with them.." I agreed. They said, "It's about time someone does something nice for these girls, and helps them out." I looked at them and said, "Why don't you?"
He said, "I am only one person." I said, "Well I was only one person, invited my two roommates this summer, then we were 3 and 9 more joined us for this trip. It always starts with one. It is an overwhelming though, but even if something just starts with one, it grows as people join your cause." He said that being the one is just too hard. I explained again that that is how it all starts..."if you know it should be started but are not willing, who is to say that someone will feel that same passion that you do, and have the same capabilities to do so?" I told them, you are one...if there is something you can do for something or someone, you should do it. If you can, why not?
As the conversation grew deeper, they just got more and more intrigued...asking about Beginnings, asking what happens when I return home- thinking that I was the brains behind all that went on at the organization or on this wonderful night. Assuring them I was nothing but a mere helper trying to do God's work, they asked what I did when I got home and I began to tell them of Freedom 4-24. This was around the time Martha had walked over. Already having told them about Beginnings, I also was able hand over her Freedom 4-24 bracelet.
Pray these men are as intrigued in the cause when they are home or by a computer. I pray that they read up on everything. Their interest was no defeating feat..God took over with every word. I had no eyes of anger or detest as I looked at them and entertained their every question. He took over and spoke words I could not have said in my own strength in this situation. Have I mentioned how great our God is? :)
The party was incredible! These girls enjoyed themselves to the fullest degree and were treated like they should be each day. Nothing was requested of them but to love on life and enjoy themselves. There were so many smiles, and their grateful eyes were more than I could bare. This created a smile on my face that brought me to the point of my cheeks hurting, but I could not have cared less. There was so much joy and laughter and relief in that room. It was amazing! Not to mention that so many raised their hands showing interest in a relationship with Jesus. 31 decisions were made and they went into a separate room after to hear more about the Lord and the love He so freely gives. They all walked out with even bigger smiles than they walked in with, which was unimaginable to me before, but it happened. They were ever so grateful and made my heart want to burst with the love and joy I have for them. God reigned true as always. Pray for these lives. Pray for this truth to resonate within them.
These glimmers I am able to give you are nothing compared to what went down last night. It was incredible.
Thank you all for the prayers. God is answering in ways I could have never imagined. The party last night went as well as it did because of your donations and support in prayer! God hears and is so faithful! Remember: Our God, the One and Only, is so great! Even asking Him to bring along men that I could enter in conversation with- I never thought that kind of dialogue would occur. It truly was riveting.
I am captivated by the love our Lord gives and the way He answers prayer and gives us gentle whispers that change our whole world. Sweet sweet Love.
Pray for tonight's party. I know it is going to be amazing.
Praying for you all! Watch as God turns your world upside down for His wonderful purposes.
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